Training, Training, Training….

Over the past 17 weeks I feel like my life has been consumed with training for the OKC Memorial marathon.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy about it, it has just made it a little harder to have the energy to blog, blog, blog.  Sorry.

Well the 17 weeks has come to an end, okay almost that will happen on Sunday.  But the good news is that I’m tapering and now I have all this time because I can’t exercise as much.  So I thought I would tell you about something fun I did with my marathon friend, Judy.  You remember her, she was the one that we cheered and carried each over my last marathon and her first marathon.  Nothing like finding new friends during a race.

Anyway we both live outside of Boston so she texted me to say that Meb was going to be giving a talk about his book and the admission price included the talk plus a signed copy of his book, Meb for Mortals.  (I haven’t started reading it yet but I am looking forward to it.)  So that was the plan on Friday to go in, have a little dinner and hang out with Meb.

Friday morning she texted me and said that she might be able to get out early and wondered if I wanted to go to the Marathon Expo.  “Yes” was my immediate answer and I could hardly wait!   So off I went.

As I stood in front of the expo center I was overwhelmed by all the runners and did find myself saying, “One of these days I will be picking up my number here” (or least that is what I really want!).

We had a great time exploring the Expo and didn’t stop talking about running the whole time.  She had just finished the Rotterdam marathon the week before and it was fun to hear about her experience as I prepare for mine.  After a quick bite to eat it was on to see Meb.  All I can say is “he is awesome”.  He was so humble and so inspiring.  He answered some questions that were contributed from the audience but for the most part he told us stories about his life and his running.  If you ever get a chance to see him or hear him talk, please do.

Now off to clean the house a little because I have all this pent up energy with no place for it to go.  I love to taper, I love to taper, I love to taper……

Here are a few pics from the day:

The sign I thought was so funny on the subway because I can so relate!

The Subway gets into routing too.

The finish line

The finish line


The memorial for the 4 who died in 2013


Waiting for the Meb talk with Judy


High fiving the crowd

High fiving the crowd

Amby Burfoot  on the left and Mebs cowriter Scott

Amby Burfoot on the left and Mebs cowriter Scott

Love the stories he told.  Go Meb.

Love the stories he told. Go Meb.



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