It’s here….

fall4Can you feel it?

Can you smell it?

I don’t know whether it is has reached your part of the world but up here in New England fall is finally starting to arrive.  I say starting to arrive because I don’t want to get my hopes up to much.  It has happened in the past that we have had these awesome cool days and then “bam” it’s 80 degrees again (sorry folks I don’t know this in Celsius but believe me it is warm!)

Last year's pic on Cape Cod in October.

Last year’s pic on Cape Cod in October.

Today I was so happy to be outside running.  It was in the high 60’s and it was the best track workout eva’ (that’s Boston for Ever!).  Okay so it wasn’t really the best but it was the coolest and it is coming down to my last sprint track workout for this training plan.  I am pleased to say that my 800’s were fast at the beginning, slower in the middle, and then the back half faster than the first half so overall good way to near the end.

Now back to fall…. Love it!!!  So ready for it.  One of my favoritiest seasons on earth.  I know no word like favoritiest and believe me spell check does not like it either but that is the best way I can describe it.  This summer has been humid and hot and really not ideal for training for a marathon but neither was winter with the quadrillion feet of snow we got.  Now I can barely wait to get out of work to get outside and enjoy the cooler temps.

fall6I don’t really have a favorite fall activity (besides running because who doesn’t love to hear the sound of leaves crunching beneath their feet and feeling energized with the cooler temps).  Oddly enough living in New England, I have never been Apple picking and we are surrounded by Orchards (oops).  Maybe we will do that this year.  I do love to take a drive and see all the trees changing colors.  The first year I lived up here I use to drive the same path which was always out of the way because it took me up a hill and I could see the leaves at different stages of color change.

Can you believe trees turn this color?  Neither can I!

Can you believe trees turn this color? Neither can I!

Since tomorrow is the first official day of fall, I think it is time to get out and enjoy the falling temps.  Dig out those sweatshirts and sweaters and spend some quality family time doing things outside because soon (if you are in New England) it will turn cold and the  4 letter “s” word will be falling from the sky and we will be locked inside spending quality time with our family members or getting cabin fever because we are locked inside together but I will save that post for a much later date.

Happy Fall Y’all!

What’s your favorite fall activity?

Here are a few more pics to enjoy!

Love the lakes region of New Hampshire.

Love the lakes region of New Hampshire.

From my favorite place in the world especially during the fall.  The family lake house.

From my favorite place in the world especially during the fall. The family lake house.

Slacking on Juneathon but still exercising! 17,18,&19/30

Sorry about forgetting to post. Ive just been a little off but today is Friday so here is my update for the past three days…I know I’m breaking the rules but don’t tell anyone and it will be our secret!

Yesterday I ran a little over 5 miles, Wednesday I worked late so it was my rest day. Today I ran and tap danced in my recital but I will let the pics show the fun. Enjoy!

The 4 mile turn around point

The 4 mile turn around point

Love the old railroad bridge on the rail trail

Love the old railroad bridge on the rail trail

There are two of these bridges that are nice and cool  to run through.

There are two of these bridges that are nice and cool to run through.

Love this view, wish I could stay for a while but need to keep moving.

Love this view, wish I could stay for a while but need to keep moving.

Pretty good for a hot midday run.

Pretty good for a hot midday run.

Getting ready to tap away!

Getting ready to tap away!

After the performance where we tapped away and brought down the house.  Okay maybe not, but we had fun!

After the performance where we tapped away and brought down the house. Okay maybe not, but we had fun!

Happy Juneathon but most of all Happy Friday!

Letting go…

Last night we were off to see my daughter dance as a part of the University Dancers.  These are dance majors who try out to be in their dance teacher’s pieces.  Not everyone makes it but those that do, do a wonderful job.  My daughter was able to be a part of her Dean’s piece and to top it all off it was his last dance piece because he is leaving the University to be the Chair of the a dance department in Hong Kong (how cool is that!).

She made the program.  On the far left!  Too cool.

She made the program. On the far left! Too cool.

Anyway, it was this really cool piece where they had to dance with lights and spotlight themselves as they danced and also each other.  I loved the portrayal of connectedness in the universe.  We are all connected.  I have never really been a dancer (well I’ve been taking tap dancing for about 6 years but still learning) but I love art and art expression and to me most of these dance pieces touched me in one way or another.

What I really love is being able to watch my daughter dance and do something she loves.  You can just tell this is how she expresses herself.  I miss seeing this on an almost daily basis.  When she was growing up, I was always a part of her dance studio.  I was able to watch her pieces develop and then watch them be mastered and displayed on stage.  I miss that but I’m so glad she has found a place that fits her so well.

So now in her second year at college I find I am still adjusting to her being away.  I miss not being a part of her life every day.  I also miss watching her grow as a dancer and performer.  I do find it is easier than last year but it is strange raising a child and then letting them go to spread their wings.  I can honestly say it is not easy but I try to have confidence that because of her upbringing she will make good decisions.  So far so good!  I think I need to work a little more at letting go.  But really the only thing that helps someone when they are letting go is time.  No rush through time here!  I’m gonna cherish everything.


gratitude10Tomorrow is the biggest day of year that those of us in the United States hopefully spend some moments talking about what we are grateful for.  I say hopefully because sometimes I think we forget about what the holiday of thanksgiving is about.  Saying “thank you”, appreciating what you have been given and the little things in life.

This week I spent some time each day in my therapy groups, requiring each one of my group members to talk about what they are thankful for.  I challenged them to think deeper.  Look at the small things because sometimes it is the small things that are really the big things.

I love having this opportunity to challenge my clients and see how they respond, mainly because they inspire me.  I heard things from grateful for my sobriety, to having the trust back with family, to being happy about health and how well they feel today, as well as happy to be alive.

I also chatted with my clients to discuss how they felt after doing this activity.  My clients commented about how this made them feel and the general feeling was very good.  I asked them “why do you not do this more often, think about things that make your life great.”  That could not be answered but it became a challenge.  Why not do it every day?!  I talked to them about how I make a list every day of at least 3 things that I am grateful for and I don’t use the same things each week.  This is quite a challenge and really makes me think beyond the obvious.  gratitude11

This is my challenge for everyone.  Why wait for one day a year to be grateful?  Why not practice it each day?  I promise you, life will change for you, your outlook on things will change, and you will be more grateful for everyday life.

Hug a Runner Day

Today is Hug a Runner Day!  I don’t know about you but the first thing I want after I finish a race or run is a nice hug.  I have had quite a few over the years.  Here is an example:

Runfie side hug of my biggest supporter on a cold New Years Day.

Runfie side hug of my biggest supporter on a cold New Years Day.

Hyannis Half with Bill Rogers and Dick Beardsley - nice fun hug at the expo

Hyannis Half with Bill Rogers and Dick Beardsley – nice fun hug at the expo

Bill, me and Mark Bravo at the OKC marathon expo in April

Bill, me and Mark Bravo at the OKC marathon expo in April

Me and Dick at the OKC expo

Me and Dick at the OKC expo

Marathon Scott who helped me across the finish line of the OKC marathon in April

Marathon Scott who helped me across the finish line of the OKC marathon in April

Me and Peggy at the OKC marathon in 2013 when I was able to cross by myself.

Me and Peggy at the OKC marathon in 2013 when I was able to cross by myself.

Me and Judy in October at my 2nd marathon of the year and her very first!  Love new running friends.

Me and Judy in October at my 2nd marathon of the year and her very first! Love new running friends.

My sis and me at the Rock and Roll Vegas Half this past Sunday!

My sis and me at the Rock and Roll Vegas Half this past Sunday!

My beautiful little girl after my first ever marathon.

My beautiful little girl after my first ever marathon.

But must end with my biggest supporter and love of my life, Dave.  He gives the best hugs!!!

But must end with my biggest supporter and love of my life, Dave. He gives the best hugs!!!

Now it is your job to go HUG A RUNNER!  I don’t care if they are sweaty!  Share the warmth!  🙂