Trying something different….

Okay, let’s be honest, it is probably not something different because it involves running (surprise, surprise) but I guess you could say I’m changing things up a little to spice up my running. Let me explain…. This year one of … Continue reading

Holy Cow!!

Last week I had one of those very surreal moments, one of those you pinch yourself and think is this really true?  It’s taken me a little while to digest it and to even fathom how I got here?  But this weekend when I was out enjoying an early spring moment running in New England, it hit me.

“I’m gonna have to do all this training over again in the fall.”

IMG_3875Sunday was my first 21 miler of this training plan completing my most miles ever in one week of 68 miles.  This plan goes up to 70 miles so not quite there yet but I am up to 68 with only 12 weeks left of this plan (I know only 12 weeks left but it goes so fast.).

IMG_3548Anyway, some of the good news is that I am feeling stronger each run and confident that I will see a big difference in my marathon performance with just the simple fact that after 21 miles I was able to complete the last mile very strong (wanting to die after but strong and even a sub 9 min mile).  So far I have been very impressed where this plan has taken me, so if you are interested in training for a marathon, you might try the plan in the book “Advanced Marathoning” by Pfitzinger and Douglas.


So done!!!

Oh okay, back to the “Holy cow” news…. I made it!  I made it into the New York City Marathon on November 6, 2016.  I know that they accepted about 4500 extra people but really I was not expecting to make it because it is a very hard marathon to get in to.  I was part of the 23% of the people in the lottery who made it in.  The official total accepted was 19,083 with 82,172 applying for the lottery.  Those aren’t great odds and last year I did not beat them but this year is different.  This year I did it! IMG_3839

Thanks New York City Road Runners for drawing my name out of the hat (or that is how I pictured it happening, I am sure it was more computer generated.)  Now I’m celebrating.  My marathon #7 will be New York City in November!

Holy Cow… New York City!

I can hardly wait but first, I must regroup because before marathon #7 I have to complete marathon #6 in Burlington, VT in May, Vermont City Marathon.  I am very excited about this one too.  Excited because it is close to home, excited because Vermont is a gorgeous place to run and excited because we will get to spend the long weekend up in Burlington with our oldest child.  So exciting!

IMG_3878 I am also excited because on March 26th I will be running my first 20 mile race.  Okay for me it will be more of a training run but I thought it would be fun to run a race during training that was more than a half marathon (definitely not to disparage anyone from half marathons because I love that distance, but when your plan calls for 20 miles and you get tired of the same 20 mile path, you need to liven it up a little).

Now that my marathons are all set for 2016 I guess I need to plan out the rest of my races…..

How is your training going?   Any race you are looking forward to?

Chicago Marathon #2 of 2

So it got warm and it got warm fast……(if you want to read the first post start here)

Here is a pic just 3.5 miles later at mile 16.5 and I was hot!  But don’t worry, there is no stop in my head, maybe slow down but never to quit.


I was thankful for carrying my fuel belt with water because I was able to utilize the water stations to refill and then drink freely as I continued on and try and fight off any leg cramps that do happen to me at most marathons (big accomplishment #2).

Since I had no idea how I was doing on time, I just kept pushing on and when the clocks read 5 hours and 28 minutes at one point I was thinking, “this might be my slowest marathon ever but let’s just enjoy the race”.  I think that really helped me relax and realize it is just finishing the race that makes me a marathoner not the time (accomplishment #3).

At mile 25.5 we found ourselves running through a huge crowd that was very quiet and for fun I threw my arms up in the air and got the crowd cheering.  It was so much fun to hear them cheering for us marathoners because at this point, we were all going to finish the race.  Even better was the fact that when the race signs said one mile left, I had started to run and did not stop running until I crossed that finish line (accomplishment #4).  This was the first time I have been able to run the whole last mile.

When I finished I was in tears.  Happy Tears, exhausted tears, some upset tears because I thought it was my slowest ever, but then back to happy tears because I did it!  #5 was in the books.  I was able to talk to my daughter shortly after I crossed the line.  She was getting texts while she was at school and called me to tell me Congrats right after I finished.  So sweet!

Marathon #5 in the books

Marathon #5 in the books

I finally found Dave after what seemed like forever and a very long walk to the runner family reunite area.  We were able to hang out in the beautiful park, enjoy the wonderful weather and reflect on the huge accomplishment that I had just completed, oh and see that really my finish time was 4:49:39 with an average pace of 11:03.  Yeah, not my slowest and really when I look back to April (5:13:58 with 11:59 pace) what a huge improvement (accomplishment #4).

We all have lofty goals when we begin training for huge races like marathons and sometimes these lofty goals tend to block the whole idea of doing something because we love it and it really is something that not a lot of people attempt.  I am no different.  I wanted to have my fastest time ever but that was not to be.  I wanted to run sub 10 min miles but again that was not to be.  I wanted to have fun and that did happen.  I wanted to be more comfortable and not start the self-doubt early in the race making the race miserable and I was more comfortable and really never had a doubt that I could and would finish.

This church was at mile 13 and loved the sign on the side of it.

This church was at mile 13 and loved the sign on the side of it.

Most of all the biggest accomplishment of the Marathon #5 and Accomplishment #5 was my recovery!  I did not struggle with the major calf cramps from the past although those were there.  I was able to take a 3 mile walk after the race although very slowly.  I had a great massage the next day and was still able to put quite a few miles under my feet touring the city the next two days post marathon.  I would say if nothing else besides the fact I just ran a marathon, my body said, “you are strong and if you want to (no rush) we could do it again.”

Right now, I think I will just focus on some halfs but I am sure another full or two will be in the future.  🙂

Three days later my first run post marathon and last run in Chicago before heading home.

Three days later my first run post marathon and last run in Chicago before heading home.


I hope the recap was worth the wait.  Thanks for reading.


Slacking on Juneathon but still exercising! 17,18,&19/30

Sorry about forgetting to post. Ive just been a little off but today is Friday so here is my update for the past three days…I know I’m breaking the rules but don’t tell anyone and it will be our secret!

Yesterday I ran a little over 5 miles, Wednesday I worked late so it was my rest day. Today I ran and tap danced in my recital but I will let the pics show the fun. Enjoy!

The 4 mile turn around point

The 4 mile turn around point

Love the old railroad bridge on the rail trail

Love the old railroad bridge on the rail trail

There are two of these bridges that are nice and cool  to run through.

There are two of these bridges that are nice and cool to run through.

Love this view, wish I could stay for a while but need to keep moving.

Love this view, wish I could stay for a while but need to keep moving.

Pretty good for a hot midday run.

Pretty good for a hot midday run.

Getting ready to tap away!

Getting ready to tap away!

After the performance where we tapped away and brought down the house.  Okay maybe not, but we had fun!

After the performance where we tapped away and brought down the house. Okay maybe not, but we had fun!

Happy Juneathon but most of all Happy Friday!

Smartphone Juneathon day 3 – 7/30 then going home

The ride to shore via kayak early this morning

The ride to shore via kayak early this morning


Deep into the woods


A beaver dam on one of the brooks that feeds the lake


I thought this said Hershey for the longest time. What can I say I think of chocolate when I workout!


Old marker for the train. I’m sure it’s impor to me it’s just cool.


Such a beautiful morning for a run.


Glass calm


Another cool railroad marker


One last brook before I head back


Kayaking back to the island , these calves and feet have worked hard this weekend.


One last little treat before we head home. S’mores! Love them. 😍

Today I head home but first my run/day of exercise for Juneathon. I hope you enjoyed the pics.

Juneathon exercise completed today: 5.06 miles and 20 mins of kayaking.

Smartphone Juneathon day 2 -6/30

Day 2 of Juneathon via smartphone. Hope you enjoy the pics!

The run into wolfeboro. This is where the trail ends/begins.

The run into wolfeboro. This is where the trail ends/begins.


It’s a rail trail for an old train that use to go around the lakes. Most of the time the trail runs right next to the old rails.


Love the rocks that were cut out for the rail line


One lake running into another. If your boat can’t fit under the bridge in the distance it can’t fit on our lake. I’m okay with that!


Lake wentworth! This trail runs alongside two lakes ending at “the big lake”. This is our lake.


All those land bodies in the middle and right are islands. Our island is the one just to the right of the the point.


Love this area, it takes you to the beach.


Allen A Beach. Use to serve a resort like you see on Dirty Dancing the movie. Makes me want to watch it again. Love that movie.


Allen A beach


More beach


The halfway point of the trail.


Waiting on my ride to the island.  8.06 miles done at my new slow down pace of 9:05 per mile.


My chariot awaits with my handsome wind blown prince.


Now time to relax on the hammock and enjoy. I hope you enjoyed it too!

Mobile juneathon 5/30

The ride over to the island

The ride over to the island

The Rhododendrons in full bloom

The Rhododendrons in full bloom

Trying something a little different because today we made a trek up to our family lake house and that means no laptop to do my Juneathon post from. It also is lucky for

you because it means i won’t go on and on and on because writing a blog from you smartphone is not that much fun. Cue all the pics you will see for the next few days so I can keep myself in good graces with the Juneathon master (whomever that is).

Today’s activities included a small nature walk and pulling of those pesky weeds by our lake house.   I guess that is time on my feet and a little core work and stretching to get the weeds.   It counts in my book. Happy 5th day of Juneathon!