Trying something different….

Okay, let’s be honest, it is probably not something different because it involves running (surprise, surprise) but I guess you could say I’m changing things up a little to spice up my running.

Let me explain….

This year one of my goals was to become part of the half fanatics.  For some that does not HalfFanaticmean much so stick with me in this post if you want to, otherwise I understand you can catch up with me another day.  Anyway for those who are still staying with me… the half fanatics is for us crazy runners who LOVE the half marathon.  This is clearly my favorite race distance.  To me it is one of those that you can travel to, run, and still feel pretty good and able to do other things, unlike the marathon that is awesome but you feel so sore for days after that even walking or most importantly getting to the bathroom is a huge challenge.

okc half marathon 2012

First ever half marathon 2012

This year I am excited that my first half for the year will be half marathon number 17 on the 17th anniversary of the OKC Run to Remember.  This was also my first half marathon ever.  Just seemed like fate that in 2012 I ran this race for the first time and this year in 2017 I will run it as my 17th in it’s 17th year.  So looking forward to it.

But that is not all….

This crazy, trying something new running fanatic, has decided to run 3 half marathons in 7 days in 3 different states.  When I accomplish this (not if because it will happen!) I will be able to join the half fanatics as a Mars half fanatics (check out the status’ here).  Okay this may not mean much to you but since I love half marathons soooo much, I did not want to just join at the basic level, I wanted to push myself and since I have a month of May that is packed (with my daughter graduating from college (aaahh! and a road trip halfway across the country) I was excited to figure out a way to do this.

okc half marathon 2016

Last year at OKC for half marathon #13

Here is the plan:

Oklahoma City Half Marathon – Run to Remember April 30th

Willi Whammer Classic Half Marathon – May 6th in Willimantic, CT

Providence Half Marathon – May 7th in Providence, RI

So I don’t put this out there to brag, I put this out there so I will stick to it.  I truly believe that you need to tell others about your goals and dreams for several reasons.

  1. To make them real because when they are in my head, they just sound crazy because they probably are.
  2. To have others hold me accountable. Don’t let me back down.  Plus when I am training and I get tired I can just think about others I have told about this and how I will let them down if I don’t finish and it will motivate me to keep going.  So thanks already for your help.

That is my something different.  To be honest it is really not that different but it does push me in a new way and changes things up for my everyday activity and love for running.  Something different to keep me inspired!

What are some different things you are trying in 2017? 

Any half fanatics who will be at any of these races?  I’d love to meet up! 

3 thoughts on “Trying something different….

  1. Pingback: Staying Motivated (with running) | therunningtherapist

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