Being Present

presentIn mid-march I wrote this blog talking about community experiences.  One of the experiences that stimulated the blog was meeting a fellow runner who gave me some great advice.  Well tonight that experience continued and it was overwhelmingly cool.  I went for a run at the gym and there my new friend was, on the treadmill next to me.  We proceeded to chat for the next 8 miles.  That was one of the quickest 8 mile runs I have ever had.  I learned that we have so much in present1common besides running, like being in the same field for work (therapy) and we seem to think the same way.  It is always great to expand ourselves by taking the chance to make new friends and new running friends is a bonus for someone who has done all of this training by herself (except for my wonderful bloggers who are a great support).

I don’t know about you but as I get older I find it harder to make new friends.  It’s not because I’m not willing to be open to others.  It might be because I think everyone is busy and maybe already has their lifetime friends.  I have been told that I can talk to anyone and I usually do, which probably comes from being from the South.  We are just overly friendly!  But how many times do we open ourselves up to new experiences.  I know I get in a routine and at times just keep my head down and plug away at the task at hand.  I’m trying to learn to look up, smile at strangers (okay that might sound a little creepy), but make others know that I see them.  Some things I have recently started to do to be more present for people: When at the grocery store, I try to address the cashier by name (I mean really they have the nametags on for a reason) and thank her/him.  When I make a call asking for assistance from someone, I try to address them by name at the end of the conversation so they don’t just feel like a number (PS – I think addressing them by name helps in getting what you want too).  I am really just trying to be more present and hey, if I make new friends along the way I chalk that up as an added bonus!present2

6 thoughts on “Being Present

  1. I tried to teach my kids that greeting people and using names costs nothing but pays huge dividends in the respect and kindness bank. I like to use names too, a lovely post, thanks! And agreed it is harder to make friends as age creeps up but running certainly has opened up a whole new avenue of relationships for me, lots of fun!

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